1 time pottery class, Introduction to wheel throwing.
Learn how to make teacups and bowls. Instructor will demonstrate how to make a teacup and a bowl. Students will practice on their own on the pottery wheel. Instructor will assist along the way. To keep artwork made in class, it would be an additional $10 a piece. Glazing and firings included. Pickup artwork 6 weeks from day of class.
1 hr session @ $29 per person
2.5hrs session @ $59 per person

Beginner’s Wheel Throwing I & II
Students will learn to make basic cylinder shapes like teacups and coffee mugs. Bowls and plates will also be included in this course. Basic skills like centering of clay, throwing and trimming will be taught. Students will learn how to glaze their own work. Students get to bring home 4 pieces of artwork at the end of the course. Additional pieces at $10 a piece. All materials and firings included.
Each course runs for 5 weeks, 1 lesson per week at 2.5 hrs.
Course fee $350

Beginner’s Handbuilding I & II
Students will learn to make artwork using pinching, coiling, slab building. Both functional and decorative artwork can be made using these methods. Teapots, bowls, vases , sculptures. the possibilities are endless. Students get to bring back 4 pieces of artwork at the end of the class. All materials and firings included.
Each course runs for 5 weeks, 1 lesson per week at 2.5 hrs.
Course fee $350
Minimum age to attend is 12 years old for all classes.
Date and timing flexible.

Studio Time Package
This package allows people who has experience in pottery and wants to work on their own pace. Free usage of clay. Non fired items cannot be brought out of the studio. 10 hrs slot package at $200. Firing and glazing fee for each piece ( 8 inches x 6 inches ) at $10 . Size exceeding will incur additional fee.